Saturday, June 16, 2012

Good Lord, I've been Busy

So uh, yes, it has been a while. I will be officially free from the chains of 8-10 hour days tomorrow at seven, so be ready for some fresh content. I have too much to talk about and absolutely no brainpower to process it at the moment.

Brethren before Wenches. Goodnight everyone.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So here we go.

There's this thing (a first world problem, if you will) that has been bothering me for a while: people are taking themselves way too seriously. Now granted, I am probably the nine millionth person to have stated this on a blog within the last 24 hours, but if I gave any sort of a damn then this wouldn't be here in the first place. My mission by starting this soon-to-be monstrosity is not to prove any particular point, but to strive to rise above using the skills we human beings have of thinking that we are muuuuuch better than the person sitting next to us (that includes you, guy on Reddit who has a test in eight hours). I'm no expert, but I'll rot in a prison cell surrounded by men who smell like the underside of a free couch placed on the side of road on a sweltering day in June before I censor my actions due to a fear of not being liked. Honestly, I've been the victim of criticism for years by people who think they are above my style of life, and I'm tired of being written off due to a quick judgement given by someone who has settled for a life of mediocrity because they don't want to appear "strange." If you haven't picked up on my point by now, here are some major overarching points:

1) This blog will include several (SEVERAL) posts that have nothing to do with anything, which will make it all the more beautiful.

2) While I respect your right to an opinion, I ultimately couldn't care less about whether or not you find any of this helpful, clever, appropriate, or intelligent. I'm doing this for kicks, so if you're too busy reading the New York Times while shooting the breeze with your fellow pilates club members during a brunch at "that little indie coffee shop that's just too good to be noticed," then you may PACK YOUR BAG AND LEAVE, SIR.

3) Blooopaplooppppppalooopaloooooooopalurpaloop.

4) I am a ridiculous soul who is proud to say that she lives a mostly glorious life surrounded by people who see me do the strangest things (which may or may not include doing a midget skip in the middle of Suzzallo Espresso, followed by two or three turns and a boop ballad), and accept me with open arms anyways. Most of this blog will be dedicated to them.

Now take a moment, blink out the nuts you just read, put a sombrero on, and ask yourself:
Are you ready to read the thoughts of a person who lives in the middle of a Jay Gatsby party?

If so, please feel free to keep reading the second I feel like typing more (not gonna lie, it may take a few days).